The Stuff Routines Are Made Of

Mom, you were asking Grandma questions about me, so I'm going to fill you in on how things are going because I can answer better than her, especially first thing in the morning. 

Let’s start with where I sleep at night because I know that’s a big one that Grandma can’t always answer. Sometimes I sleep all night with Grandma. When I know she’s going upstairs to get ready for bed I race up ahead of her and jump on the bed and stay there. I sleep real close to her and push her to the edge of the bed. I want to be sure I have enough room. I stretch out pretty long!

But sometimes I don’t sleep with her because she purrs too loud all night. That’s when I sleep somewhere else and there are a lot of places to choose from. Mostly I sleep at the top of the stairs. I can see everything from there! Grandma’s bed, the other doorways upstairs, down the stairs, the front door and that little window way up high. It’s my lookout post and I can make sure I’m not missing anything! Even spiders and stuff for Grandma.


It’s soft there and I have that spot that I sharpen my claws on that’s getting softer and smoother and Grandma said it was okay because you were going to put new carpet on the stairs when and if we ever leave. And then I said, “Oh good. We’re never leaving.” 


Early in the morning as soon as I hear Grandma move I run quietly into the bedroom to jump on her bed. When I jump I make that throat sound to let her know I’m going to land on her. It’s kind of a trill and a meow mixed together and Grandma makes a sound back at me. It’s a little bit different than mine. We won’t go there. 

That's me in quiet mode. 


Then I find a cozy spot on her and make biscuits on her arm. Grandma has doughy arms, you know. I could do that all morning. When we head downstairs we stop at the top stair where Grandma sits and brushes me. She pulls lots and lots of hair out but she still has to vacuum later. We go downstairs and she fixes my breakfast while her coffee is getting made. She’s not much good until that coffee is ready, but we try. She hides my treats for the morning and opens some windows so I can hear the birds. This morning she opened it before turning off the alarm. I got down real low to the ground and checked the whole house for her. I think Grandmas are good for unexpected stuff so I’m watching her real close for you. 


So after breakfast and treats and house patrol, we made a plan for the day. First on my list is a nap. We started out real early because Grandma moved in her bed early. She’s still learning. 


One more thing before my nap. Grandma makes a little CafĂ© Latte swirl at the top of my kitty litter after she cleans the box. Just saying. 




P.S. We read your last blog entry together. You worked real hard to do everything right to get into Canada safely and I like that you said Canadians are kind. I'm going to fall asleep and pretend you have a big cat flag at the top of your boat and that I'm sailing with you.   

